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Eyes for All specialise in making custom ocular prostheses, facial prosthetics, scleral shells and post-operative conformers. Our ocular prosthetists, Nelly and Francesca, have over 14 years of combined experience and provide a personalized approach to ensure the best fit, comfort, and health for our patients.

Customised Artificial Eyes

Our custom-made ocular prostheses are handmade to fit each patient's unique socket. We use medical-grade, biocompatible PMMA acrylic, which is a robust and smooth material that can last over ten years with proper maintenance. Every prosthetic eye is hand-painted to match the colour and texture of the patient's remaining eye as closely as possible.

The Process

Our prosthetic eye fitting process can be completed in two appointments. During the first appointment, we take necessary measurements and discuss the patient's eye history. The second appointment involves fitting the custom-made prosthesis and checking its comfort, fit, and appearance. The entire process takes approximately 1-2 days.


Before Your Appointment

We recommend that patients wear a conformer, which is a small clear plastic shield, following surgery to protect the socket during healing and ensure there is enough space for an artificial eye.



We offer aftercare services, which include annual prosthesis polishing and cleaning to assess the fit and appearance. Changes can be made if necessary. For children who are growing, we may need to see the patient more frequently to increase the size of the prosthetic eye as the child grows.

It is recommended that all patients wear a pair of eyeglasses to protect their remaining eye, and lubricating eye drops can be used to supplement tears for patients experiencing dry eye symptoms.

We understand that every patient is unique, which is why we take a personalized approach to every step of the prosthetic eye process. From the initial consultation to the final fitting, we're with you every step of the way.

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